Fiction, Poetry, Tell-Tale Chapbooks

Tell-Tale Inklings #4

Well, that was quite a wrestling match, but the issue is finally done and my “vacation” begins.  Props to the writers and visual artists [whose names cannot be seen on the book, dammit]!  
Thank you, Denny E. Marshall for the cover image (copyright 2011)!
Fiction, Poetry, Tell-Tale Chapbooks

October 1, 2018

The countdown to Halloween begins! I love Halloween. I’m back to submitting work after a frustrating 6 months or so of fighting with technology to get out two journal issues.

Tell-Tale Inklings #4 has been in limbo since CreateSpace began scaling back services. It turns out they are merging with KDP. Like a ninny, I edited Tell-Tale Inklings #3 over a few nagging typos–and ended up redoing the whole thing. It takes forever to format and upload and have page numbers bounce to the top of the next page, then format and upload and have page numbers bounce….  You get the idea.

Bitching and moaning done, I’m feeling hopeful about getting work done once the kinks are worked out. Also, it’s hard to be crabby in October. I love crunchy Autumn leaves, breathable crisp air, and all things Halloween. (Well, all silly, fun, and mind-bending things; I don’t dig extreme, gory horror. I like Poe’s tales and Stephen King’s movies (his books are to scary).  September through mid-October mark some very difficult anniversaries for my family; so many relatives have died during those months, from my father when I was 16 to my grandnephew, who was only 17.  So, I plow through leaves and silly my way through Halloween, in a state of semi-denial.

When I began this post, it was the first of October. Now it’s the second. I need some new material.  Here is TTI #3 .


COVER IMAGE: Stephan Anstey Copyright 2017